Essays The Charcoal Grill

One month after I joined the restaurant, it all came crashing down.

27th March, 11: 15pm. I called Zubair and Sabina: “We lost money in March again, and April is going to kill us. I’ve looked at our expenses — we need to dramatically cut costs and save cash.” The lockdown had already started in Toronto. Like every other business, we had shut down and were now isolated in […]


Aazad ghadiyaan

Waqt ki qaid mein zindagi hai magarChand ghadiyan yehi hain jo aazad hain Life is a prisoner in the grip of time,These are the only short moments that are free End of 2010, I had finished college, lost control of my startup, failed at starting another, ended a long relationship, and was ready to start […]


Qawali in a Church

Hamza Akram Qawal and Brothers from Karachi performed at the Stanford Memorial Church. What an incredible experience.

Product Management

How to Product, Islamabad

I was invited to speak about product management at NIC Islamabad by Integry.

Product Management Startups

Product School, Lahore

I’ve attended Product School events in the San Francisco Bay Area and Buenos Aires. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they also have a chapter in Lahore. Their local organizer, Haseeb Raza, reached out on LinkedIn and asked me to speak on a trip to Lahore in 2019. Product School talks in SF […]


Trillion Dollar Coach

Bill saw all the chess pieces all the time, because he had the luxury of not being on the board. This line stood out the most for me in #trilliondollarcoach because it reminded me of the concept of the balcony in Ron Heifitz’s Adaptive Leadership theory. He defines it as “getting off the dance floor […]


Utopia for Realists — Rutger Bregman

Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman, aka Mr. Basic Income, is a historical perspective on inequality and what we need to do to fix it. Open Borders and UBI. Cancel out the birth lottery. If you haven’t, hear him speak at Davos:


Just got laid off? Here’s what you do.

Just got laid off? Good. It’s one of the worst things that can happen to you professionally. But it’s also a rare opportunity to do something new without regrets. I know how it feels because I’ve been there. I got fired from my last job and had to find another one in less than four […]

International Development

Personalities and Public Sector Performance: Evidence from a Health Experiment in Pakistan

This paper provides evidence that the personalities of policymakers matter for policy. Three results support the relevance of personalities for policy. First, doctors with higher Big Five and Perry Public Sector Motivation scores attend work more and falsify inspection reports less. Second, health inspectors who score higher on these measures exhibit larger treatment responses to […]

International Development Research Writing

The Political Economy of Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction in Pakistan

Jennifer Bussell and Asim FayazMay 2017 Overview This case study discusses government capacity to prepare for and respond to natural disasters – floods, earthquakes, and heat waves – in Pakistan. The analysis finds that several hypotheses described at the start of this report are particularly relevant to explaining the extent of disaster preparedness and risk […]